Being on the Board

If you want more information about UCMSA Universalis in general, we recommend looking at our Home page or About page. The Universalis Board is composed of the Social Board, Academic Board, and Executive Board.  

You will spend approximately 10-20 hours a week on Universalis, depending on ambition and position. You will be attending events and meetings quite often, sometimes travelling across the country to other colleges. Being on the Universalis Board means representing your student body, bridging communication between staff and student, and fostering a community worth studying with.

Do you have any questions or maybe want to discuss the positions over a coffee? Hit us up at or shoot us a message on Facebook or Instagram! 

Check out the open positions below!

How to Apply

To declare your candidacy for a position, you will need to submit your CV and a motivation statement, both around one page (each).

President and Chair candidates send both documents to the IB (at before Monday, May 2nd 2022, at 23:59. Chair Candidates will then prepare for a Live Q&A/Debate on May 9th 2022, at 19:00, where questions are answered and short speeches are given..

Non-Chair/Non-President candidates send both documents to us (at or before Monday, May 2nd 2022, at 23:59. Non-Chair Candidates will be interviewed in the following week(s).

Candidates for the President, Academic Chair, and Social Chair positions will prepare for an Election Debate (and Q&A) on May 9 2022, at 18:15, where the ballots will then be sent digitally for the following couple days. All non-chair/non-president positions will be voted in at our General Assembly (on May 19th)and all positions will be officially recognized then. This Assembly will be held live, on-site, in the Lecture hall from 18:30 onward.


All applications sent in by May 2, 2022 at 23:59 (digitally, see above)

President & Chairs Candidate Debate Q&A on May 9th, 2022 at 19:00 (in the common room)

Election General Assembly May 19th, 2022 (onsite in the lecture hall at 18:30)

Be our President

Contact Stephen McCarthy or the Independent Body for questions or send an email to


The President is responsible for the association. The tasks of the President are:

1. Appointing either the Treasurer or Secretary to fulfill the role of Vice-President;

2. Attending UCM Management Team meetings to represent all members of the Association;

3. Managing the administration of the organization;

4. Guiding the other members of the MoU;

5. Upholding the mission statement of the organization and ensuring that all members are

made aware of, and comply with the statutes and the policy manual;

6. Communicating with the Independent Body, the Advisory Council, the Academic Board and

the Social Board;

7. Maintaining a clear vision for the future of the Association;

8. Preparing and chairing Board meetings;

9. In conjunction with the rest of the Board, calling, and preparing General Assemblies per

Article 6 and Title 3;

10. Coordinating the writing of semester reports and presenting this in the first General

Assembly of the next semester;

11. Assisting the Treasurer in their duties as required;

12. Being responsible for all external contacts that are not designated elsewhere in the Policy

Manual to other Board members;

13. In case of a tie during a vote, the President shall cast the deciding vote.

Be our Social Chair

The Social Chair is accountable for all executive decisions made by the Social Board. The

tasks of the Chair are:

1. Appointing one of the SB executives to fulfill the role of SB Vice-Chair;

2. Planning and chairing the weekly Social Board meetings;

3. Attending Management Team meetings, typically every three weeks;

4. Attending weekly meetings with the vice-dean of student affairs;

5. Ensuring a semester plan is established;

6. Attending Community Task Force meetings, typically once a month;

7. Communicating, in a transparent manner, with the Treasurer of the Board about

budgetary spending;

8. Maintaining proper communication within the SB;

9. Ensuring that proper relations with all other offices of trust in the Association are


10. Ensuring that all executives on the Social Board write their part of the semester report;

11. Attending monthly meetings with FSE study associations and other boards to coordinate

and plan inter-faculty events.

Contact Beatrix Bridge or the Independent Body for questions or send an email to


Be our
Social Acquisitions

Contact Marthe-Marie Voorspoels for questions or email

The Social Acquisitions Executive is responsible for partnerships, sponsorships and keeping

track of the material inventory of the Association. The tasks of the Social Acquisitions

Executive are:

1. Directly overseeing 1/3 of all committees within the Association and managing relations

between the Social Board and committee boards;

2. Ensuring that an accurate and up-to-date inventory is kept of all material assets of the


3. Ensuring that the Association has snacks and drinks in sufficient quantities for events;

4. Establishing partnerships and sponsorships on behalf of the Association for the common

benefit of all members;

5. Creating a strategy and planning the delivery of merchandise for all members of the


§ 10 Members of the Social Board must familiarize themselves with this and other relevant legal

UCMSA documents.

Be our
Academic Chair

The Academic Chair is accountable for all executive decisions made by the Academic

Board. The tasks of the Chair are:

1. Appointing one of the AB executives to fulfill the role of AB Vice-Chair;

2. Planning and chairing the weekly AB meetings;

3. Attending Management Team meetings, typically every three weeks;

4. Attending weekly meetings with the vice-dean of student affairs;

5. Ensuring a semester plan is established;

6. Communicating, in a transparent manner, with the Treasurer of the Board about

budgetary spending;

7. Maintaining proper communication within the AB;

8. Maintaining proper relations with the other bodies of the MoU;

9. Ensuring that all executives on the Academic Board write their part of the semester report

Contact Giulia Petrilli or the Independent Body for questions or send an email to


Be our
Academic Events

Contact Sara Hock for questions, or send an email to

The Academic Events Executive is responsible for the organization of AB events. The tasks

of the Events Executive are:

1. Organizing and maintaining an overview of the events of the AB;

2. Coordinating the logistics of AB events. This includes, but is not limited to:

a. Communicating, mostly via email, with relevant event attendees, such as guest

speakers and UCM alumni;

b. When relevant, negotiating compensation with attendees concerning travel

reimbursement, or monetary compensation. This is best done in cooperation with

the Treasurer of the Board;

c. Developing new event ideas, and coming up with new concepts for existing ones such

as ‘Life After the Bubble’, ‘Curriculum Fair’, ‘UCM Forum’, ‘Comments and Cookies’,


Be our
Academic Internal

The Academic Internal Executive is responsible for internal communication between the

AB and association members. The tasks of the Internal Executive are:

1. Advertising events of the AB, for example via Facebook or Instagram;

2. Managing the social media presence of the AB;

3. Making, printing, and distributing posters for AB events;

4. Working closely with the AB Events Executive on the logistics of AB events wherever


Contact Michelle Reitano for questions or send an email to

Be our
Academic External

Contact Jola Gockel for questions or send an email to

The Academic External Executive is responsible for keeping a good rapport between the

UCM AB and academic boards of other university colleges associations. The tasks of the

External Executive are:

1. Maintaining a relationship with the AB external executives of fellow members of the


2. Attending monthly meetings with the UCSRN Academic Council;

3. Attending General Assemblies of UCSRN;

4. Representing the Association in communications with the Freiburg University College, to

facilitate the yearly exchange.