UCMSA Universalis is a multicultural and multidisciplinary student association directly affiliated with the University College Maastricht. It is run by UCM students for UCM students and contributes to both academic and social life. The association is involved in the organisation of debates, poetry readings, open-mic nights, parties, charity fundraisers, student representation, and other events.
Following a structure typical of Maastricht University study associations, it is run by a student board. The Universalis student board consists of an Executive Board, a Social Board, and an Academic Board. Board positions are traditionally a semester to two semesters long. Active members of the association are organised as committees which provide services for all students at the college. All new students automatically become a member upon enrollment at the college with no membership fee.
Organisation Structure
All positions are democratically elected in a General Assembly of Universalis members with elections organized by the Independent Body in coordination with the outgoing board. The boards in their totality comprise the Management of Universalis (MoU).
The Executive Board manages the administration of the association via the President, Secretary, and Treasurer. They comprise the legal board of the statutes and are kvk-registered officers of the association. The Executive Board handles the financial, administrative, and long term strategy duties for the association as a whole whilst facilitating the Social and Academic Boards in Semesterly planning.
There are currently four members on the Social Board: Social Chair, Social Acquisitions Executive, Social Internal Executive, and Social External Executive. Board members serve for one or two semesters after which they can re-apply.[2] Social Board meetings are held once a week. Universalis’s committees and societies operate under the Social Board, who seek to financially and logistically facilitate all committee activities.
The Academic Board works in parallel with the Social Board, with four members: Academic Chair, Academic Events Coordinator, Academic Internal Executive and Academic External Executive. The Academic Board represents students in working with the University College Maastricht‘s Board of Studies, who are responsible for evaluating academic courses and affairs. They also organize Academic conferences, guest speakers, academic workshops, and student exchanges with sister colleges. The Academic Board is also supported by a Faculty Council.
The Independent Body consists of three to five students elected by a general assembly with the goal of keeping the Social Board and Academic Council in accordance with the association’s Statutes and Policy Manual. They also serve a functional role in General Assemblies and voting procedures.
The Advisory Council is a non-obligatory council of board-alumni and other members of interest who provide advice and guidance to board members on a voluntary basis.