Executive Board
We handle the financial and logistical administration of the association.
Social Board
We organize social events and facilitate all committee activities and make it as easy as possible for committees to function.
academic Board
We host academic events and represent the voice of the students to the academic side of the College.
We keep the Executive Board, Social Board and Academic Board in accordance with the association’s Statutes and Policy Manual.
About us
Enjoy the social and academic activities supported by Univeralis.
UCMSA Universalis is a multicultural and multidisciplinary student association directly affiliated with the University College Maastricht. Collectively, Universalis has approximately 750 members and aims to facilitate a colorful and vibrant university life for them.
The Executive Board
The President, Secretary, and Treasurer comprise the legal body and handle the administrative tasks in running a student association. Each are elected annually in a General Assembly.
The President manages the administration of the organisation, chairs general assemblies, and holds various representative duties such as in the Management Team meetings.
The Secretary manages internal communications, minutes, and scheduling as well as social media presence.
The Treasurer manages the finances of the organisation, such as handling invoices and reimbursements.

The Executive Board Team

Audrey Giraud

Delphine Dorleans

Misaki Miyake

The Social Board
There are currently four members on the UCMSA Universalis Social Board: Social Chair, External Executive, Social Executive, and Acquisitions Executive. Each Executive oversees one third of the committees and makes sure they are supported
in any way fit. Prospective Social Board members are recommended by the previous Board but are ultimately elected through a public vote in a General Assembly.
Social Chair
The Social Chair facilitates social board executives and attends various representative meetings such as Management Team.
Social External Executive
The Social External represents Universalis at UCSRN and collaborates with other faculties.
Social Internal Executive
The Social Executive handles advertising, semesterly Intro-Days, and SB social media presence.
Social Acquisitions Executive
The Acquisitions Executive is responsible for Universalis Inventory, merchandise, and establishing partnerships and sponsorships.
The Social Board Team

Pascal Freyer
Social Chair

Jasmijn Jeronimus
Social External Executive

Mathilde Aurade Hadchouel
Social Internal Executive

Iris Willems
Social Acquisitions Executive
The Academic Board
The Academic Board works in parallel with the Social Board, with four members: the Academic Chair, Events Coordinator, Academic Internal and Academic External. The Academic Board represents students in working with the University College Maastricht’s Board of Studies, who are responsible for evaluating academic courses and affairs.
Academic Chair
The Chair presides AB meetings, takes part in the management team meetings and coordinates the work and direction of the Academic Board.
Events Executive
The Events Executive is responsible for having an overview of and organizing Academic Board events, academic acquisitions, and sits on the EPC.
Academic Internal
The Academic Internal Executive is in charge of the Academic Board’s communication with the student body, advertising, social medial presence, and sits on the EPC.
Academic External
The Academic External Executive represents the academic interests of Universalis members at UCSRN and facilitates our yearly Freiburg Exchange.

The Academic Board Team

Maja Deutinger
Academic Chair

Charlotte Heuser
Events Executive

Juul Uilenreef
Internal Executive

Nik Schulz
External Executive
Our Association supports more than 25 committees that organize various activities around the University College Maastricht and create a sense of community at the College.
contact information
Send us an email if you have any questions!
Latest uploaded files
All important files for committees, students and boards will be uploaded here.
What students say about Universalis
For me, Universalis is what makes UCM such an extraordinary place. It is the glue that holds the community together and maybe even more importantly it exemplifies the core belief that student life and growth is about more than just academics.

Jonathan Schoen
Universalis is what differentiates UCM from other higher education institutes. It is a platform that enables people with shared interests to come together and form bonds that enhance both their social and academic experience.

Elisabeth Hiller
Universalis is a space in which you can grow by being active. For me, events like the open mic and game nights gave me a great way to gain an active social life. I had the opportunity to push myself and gain experiences by being
a member of the Social Board.